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Diabetic Foot Care Specialist

Maurice Betesh, DPM -  - Foot & Ankle Specialist

Podiatry Healthcare Associates

Maurice Betesh, DPM

Foot & Ankle Specialist located in Midwood, Clinton Hills, & Marine Park, Brooklyn, NY

About 85% of leg amputations in diabetes sufferers are directly related to foot ulcers. Most foot ulcers begin as small wounds that you might not even notice, which is one reason why it’s important to have good diabetic foot care from the Podiatry Healthcare Associates board-certified foot and ankle specialist, Maurice Betesh, DPM. With three convenient Brooklyn, New York City, locations – Midwood, Clinton Hills, and Marine Park – call the office nearest you or click online booking now.

Diabetic Foot Care Q & A

Why do diabetics need to see a foot doctor?

Diabetes sufferers need to see a foot doctor at least once a year because the lower extremities, including the feet and ankles, are among the areas most often affected by diabetes complications. Diabetes can cause two problems of particular note in regards to foot and ankle health: circulatory problems and nerve damage. 

Often, diabetes sufferers may not notice a small cut or abrasion on their feet because nerve damage leaves them unable to feel it. This allows small cuts to fester, potentially growing into serious deeper wounds called ulcers. Circulatory issues are quite common in diabetics, too. With poor circulation to the legs and feet, it’s very difficult or impossible to heal wounds and complications like ulcers on your own. 

Dr. Betesh is a board-certified podiatric medicine specialist with extensive experience in diabetic foot care. He’s here to help you at Podiatry Healthcare Associates with all aspects of diabetic foot care, from wound healing to neuropathy treatment to wound prevention and beyond.

What happens during a diabetic foot care appointment?

During a diabetic foot check-up, Dr. Betesh carefully assesses your feet and ankles while discussing symptoms and answering your questions. He checks for symptoms of diabetic nerve damage and circulatory problems and discusses your current foot care routine with you. 

In addition to your yearly diabetic foot check-up, Dr. Betesh provides other diabetic foot care as needed. He treats wounds and ulcers by debriding (removing dead tissue), dressing, and medicating as needed. You may also need custom orthotics, devices that go in your shoe to relieve pressure by cushioning and/or redistributing your body weight. 

Dr. Betesh can also help with poor circulation and nerve damage by stimulating new blood flow and nerve sensation in your feet and ankles. Many diabetes sufferers also benefit from prescription shoes, made especially for diabetics. 

What are the signs of a diabetic foot issue?

There are several tell-tale indicators of diabetic foot issues to watch for, including:

  • Change in skin color
  • Eschar, black tissue around a wound
  • Cold feet
  • Swelling
  • A wound that feels warm or hot
  • Pins-and-needles feeling
  • Numbness 

If you have any of these issues, don’t wait to reach out to Podiatry Healthcare Associates. Dr. Betesh can help with all of your diabetic foot issues. 

Call the office of Podiatry Healthcare Associates nearest you or use the online booking tool for help with diabetic foot care now in Brooklyn.

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