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Ankle Sprain Specialist

Maurice Betesh, DPM -  - Foot & Ankle Specialist

Podiatry Healthcare Associates

Maurice Betesh, DPM

Foot & Ankle Specialist located in Midwood, Clinton Hills, & Marine Park, Brooklyn, NY

While you may brush off an ankle sprain as being less severe than a broken bone, it can still feel excruciating to put any weight on it and could impact your mobility as well as your quality of life if not treated properly. Board-certified podiatrist Maurice Betesh, DPM, at Podiatry Healthcare Associates in Midwood, Clinton Hills, and Marine Park, Brooklyn, offers expert podiatric care for ankle sprains. Don’t put up with ankle pain – call any of the New York City offices today or book a consultation online, and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.

Ankle Sprain Q & A

What are the symptoms of a sprained ankle?

Whether you have sprained your ankle or not depends on how your ankle turned and what the symptoms are. And, even if you have sprained your ankle, the symptoms vary depending on the severity of the sprain.

There are common signs of a sprained ankle, including:

  • Swelling
  • Visible bruising
  • Continuous pain or pain when you stand up
  •  Ankle feels unstable
  • Sore to touch
  • Restricted range of motion

Always get any injuries checked out by Dr. Betesh at Podiatry Healthcare Associates to avoid any long-term damage ignoring them could cause. 

What causes an ankle sprain?

Sprains happen when a stronger than reasonable force is applied to your ligaments, such as your ankle turning in or out. Unsurprisingly, most ankle sprains occur during sports activities, but you can also sprain your ankle by:

  • Landing awkwardly when running
  • Treading on an uneven surface
  • Trapping your ankle as you move
  • Tripping over something when walking 
  • Wearing unstable shoes

Dr. Betesh is highly skilled in treating ankle sprains and helping patients not only manage pain relief but also understand how to prevent such injuries from happening in the future.

How is a sprained ankle diagnosed?

Dr. Betesh conducts a thorough examination of your injured ankle. He feels the joint to see if there’s any heat or tenderness; he asks you to point out the source of the pain and to describe it; he compares your injured ankle to your good ankle for signs of swelling and bruising; and, he moves your ankle around to check the range of motion.

If your injury looks severe, Dr. Betesh might request some detailed imaging scans to take a closer look, which could be X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans.

How do you treat a sprained ankle?

When the injury will heal itself in a couple of days, you just need to follow the RICE protocol – rest, ice, compression, and elevation – and use pain relief medication if needed. If your injury has impaired your movement, Dr. Betesh prescribes rehabilitation exercises to improve mobility and range of motion, and may even use medical tape or a brace to provide extra support. If your ankle isn’t healing and remains unstable long after your injury, Dr. Betesh may recommend you have ligament surgery.

For expert diagnosis and treatment of an ankle sprain, call Podiatry Healthcare Associates today or schedule your consultation online.

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